About Marie

Book Consultation

Marie Therese (She/Her)

Marie-Therese is an Afro-Caribbean and Chinese-Singaporean wanderer and friend working at the intersections of technology justice, environmental justice and decoloniality. Her work builds relationships and entrypoints across the worlds of activism, policy, academia and industry – with all the paradoxes that entails. She is a consultant for Google DeepMind on Global South AI governance and social impact advisor for Cohere.ai. Her academic works include Decolonial Theory as Socio-technical Foresight in Artificial Intelligence Research, Critical Roles of Global South Stakeholders in Artificial Intelligence Governance, and Evaluating the Social Impact of Generative AI Systems in Systems and Society.
In retrospect, her first intellectual playground was the natural sciences – with a background in cognition and evolutionary biology, and with an aim to ground her work in community and wider ecologies, she led the Deep Sustainability program at LSE, and now facilitates transnational alliance building between technology and environmental justice practitioners in Asia, Europe and Latin America. This year she will be working across Mexico, Thailand, Brazil, Costa Rica, Chile and Canada on issues ranging from data centre water usage to lithium mining and technology supply chains. Previously, she navigated neocolonial geopolitical dynamics as Technology Advisor to the UN Secretary General’s Office in New York, leading on the design and implementation of the Digital Cooperation Office, with a special focus on strategic representation of low and middle-income member states. Marie-Therese holds a Master’s in Mind, Brain and Education from Harvard and undergraduate in Biological and Social Science from Oxford, where she is currently completing her PhD. She would however, much rather be dancing to Afrobrazilian drums, swimming in the ocean, running through the forests, and creating audiovisual poetry with beloveds.

Book Consultation